Looking to invest in Property in Super ?
“Your free appointment, assessment and discussion”
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Your SMSF will give you : Control, Choice, Certainty & Continuity
A correctly structured and implemented Self Managed Super Fund will give you an element of each benefit above and your ability to diversify your Funds Assets, Potentially Save on Tax and repay the loan quickly to further ensure your retirement planning.
Why properT network; we give you access to :
- Astute investment property options (New, off the plan, existing residential property)
- Opportunity to Invest in a Syndicate to better improve your returns
- Opportunity to secure property at ‘Wholesale’ Value
- Ability to invest as little or as much as you are comfortable investing
- Avoiding expensive mistakes when investing in property in your SMSF
- Introduction to professional expertise :
- in Setting up the SMSF at realistic pricing
- understanding your current circumstances and your requirements of where you wish to get to through investing
- Accountants, Financial Planners, Solicitors, mortgage brokers
- Wide selection of ‘best fit’ Investment Property in all states of Australia
We invite you to find out more, simply complete the details below and we will walk you through the opportunity. We offer a seamless all encompassing one stop service and together manage the process on with you. This minimises room for error and expensive mistakes and is guaranteed to reduce stress and save you time and probably.
SMSF Investment Strategy Legal Requirements
Some of the questions we get asked and work through with you :

How much do I need in Super to buy Investment Property
How much do I need in a SMSF to buy property
What property best suits Super investments
How much can I borrow
Where is best location to invest
Which rental yields offer better returns
Some examples on potential return on Investment of property in your SMSF
2 thoughts on “Setting up a SMSF and Property”