Create and secure prosperity using Property
There is no mystery or rocket science required to turn $45k of equity / deposit into $3 000,000 million dollars through effective planning using property as your preferred Investment Vehicle!
The power of Leverage + the power of Compounding Returns + your tenant paying up to 90% of your costs for you whilst the tax man allows tax deductions = Wealth Creation !
Off the plan apartments, townhouses and units inner or outer Melbourne suburbs :
70% – 80% of a Cities population want to live, play and work within 12km of a major activities hub, investors understand this and look to secure a quality investment close to schools / universities, public transport, medical facilities, shops, parks or other important infrastructure. Demand is highest in these areas in which government is encouraging local council to amend rules to include both higher and medium density apartment and townhouse developments in infill sites across just about every suburb
Driven by affordability and a preference to own or rent a house; House and Land packages in new estates attract the other 20% – 30% of residents :
By government design there is a drive to develop employment hubs and mini-cities outside of Melbourne such as Werribee, Geelong, Melton etc. Land for new housing estates is then released and infrastructure constructed to provide essentials such as public transport, schools, education, medical facilities, parklands and more. One can secure a block of land and build a home for $400k upwards which becomes an appealing factor to owners who cannot afford inner suburban living. Demand for House and Land packages is increasing in line with Melbourne’s massive population growth and has become an investors preferred Investment Vehicle
... at your request we will source the property you have seen and like, do the due diligence; show you a selection of comparable ‘propertunities’, negotiate on your behalf and walk you through the investment process
Share your requirements with us and we will provide you with a selection of ‘best fit’ properties to match your goals based on our due diligence, market analysis and knowledge from which you can then make an informed Investment Decision
Comments or questions are welcome.