Investor Information

“What do you want from your Investment Property?”

Self Managed Super Fund Investment Property

We represent you the purchaser!

The more we know and understand about you & your requirements the higher the accuracy in matching a selection of ‘best fit’ properties to your needs.

Complete fields below providing as much detail and accuracy to help us help you.

properT network is deliberately set up to save you Time and Stress by leveraging off our industry knowledge and industry contacts.

Based on the information gathered; we present you with a selection of ‘best fit’ properties to meet your requirements, needs and property goals. Backing up our recommendations with supporting facts.

“All we ask in return is that you make a decision; whether that decision is a no or a Yes, so long as you are able to make an informed & intelligent decision. Is that fair?”

Enjoy the process.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the information! We look forward to receiving this document for analysis and compilation and getting back to you with our detailed report at our earliest!


“Assuring you of our prompt and personal attention at all times now and into the future!”


The effects of Increased Demand compounded by Undersupply