Exploring Referral Partnerships

The traditional real estate market may have slowed down

… the Investment Property market is HOT

and continues to show incredible opportunity for Investors and of course you – who have the existing relationship with the Investor

According to the recently released MFAA/Bankwest Home Finance Index report

  • 74% of current home owners believe “it is a good time to buy Investment Property”
  • This equates to an enormous opportunity for you, think about 2 out of every 3 of your clients are ready to grow your business
  • Demand for housing continues to rise
  • Affordability to repay home loans 80.2% are now finding it easier to repay their current home loans compared to 67.4% in April 2008
  • Even though almost half the respondents believe in a further rate rise, they are still confident in the property market

Supporting the continued strengthening of the property market are factors such as :

  • High level of Immigrants and Migrants into Capital Cities (Especially Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane in this order)
  • Incredible undersupply of accomodation that simply cannot keep up with demand
  • Have you given thought to the MASSIVE opportunity of owning residential property in a Self Managed Super Fund?
  • There are over 420,000 SMSF’s – with less than 1% owning residential property
  • The sudden increase in demand to now Control ones SMSF assets by having Choice will significantly multiply the already high level of demand for Housing
  • Think about this unbelievable untapped market that is only starting to bubble … when it reaches boiling point can you imagine the Demand for property?
  • (Please can we urge you to ensure that Investment Property going into a SMSF is correctly implemented. There is a minefield of pitfalls that can work out to be unnecessarily expensive if effected incorrectly)
  • For further information on Investment Property and SMSF contact us – we have access to a Vetted Solution that is at all times ‘project managed’ from inception to purchase and then when you help with settlement!!

Your clients and prospects (like you) are Time Poor and probably Overwhelmed with the volume of information … we are deliberately set up to Save Time and Provide only Pertinent Information on which your referrals can make an informed decision!

Knowing that we represent you at all times, may we assure you of our prompt and personal professional attention now and into the future

We are confident you see the opportunity at hand and realise that you are at the forefront of diversifying your services to guarantee an increase in your turnover and profits … by Adding Value to what you already do!

We invite you to establish Mutually Beneficial Relationships as a Referral Partner.

Complete the short questionnaire below to give us a quick insight into where you currently position yourself, in light of this fantastic Business Opportunity that is presenting itself to you in the market place. We invite you to Grow your business with us!

Oh by the way give some thought to this …

  • even if 50% of your clients & prospects {of the 74%} go ahead and purchase a property somewhere else
  • (and we both they will) this means you stand a very high chance that these Investors will then place the rest of the supporting business through another channel
  • meaning you stand a high chance of missing out on earning a few thousand dollars per purchase as a result
  • Lost $ opportunities include : a referral commission on the property, the loan, the financial planning, the company / trust structure, the renal fees etc.

Does this make sense?


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